D I R E C T O R ' S
I N T R O D U C T I O N   T O

U L T R A - L O W   B U D G E T


You have Steven Soderbergh, Richard Linklater, Kevin Smith, Darren Aronofsky. Then you have Robert Rodriguez, the prodigy of the last decade. Blair Witch hits theatres in 1999. Big studios love it. Crowds are pleased. Grosses over 140 Million. December 2003, the Panasonic camera I use in Moonshine comes out, retailing $3495.00. I don't rent one because I can buy one. The digital revolution won't be 1 year or 2 years from now because it was yesterday. Today, Michael Mann shoots digital, Open Water rocks the box office. Today some pimply girl in Ohio with a digital camera is about to make the next Raging Bull. Give her 3 years til she's the next Scorsese.

I'm not saying that things have gotten easier. If anything, they're getting harder. For Robert Rodriguez, it was a feat to shoot a 16mm film for 7-ish grand. Film costs a lot. DV tapes don't. Imagine hundreds of indie filmmakers walking the planet making movies with their digital cameras. Glaciers carving a new system. The leaders of this age won't change the process in the profits earned category, or the quality of the film category, but in the costs spent category. Films 1/2 to 1/4 the price. Things are changing and that little Ohio girl is working her fingers to the bone. She's making it happen.

WARNING: The following recipe can be dangerous when ingested:  Entire box of commitment, A scriptful of life, 1 big jug of sweat, a crewful of brains, and 1 stubborn man to say "Action." Stir mixture in a small town and cover. Chemical reaction takes 1 month. Remove seal and enjoy Moonshine.

Introducing the Ultra-low Budget Filmmaking section of the Official Moonshine website. I dedicate this section to all the people who find a way to do the impossible, to the little girl in Ohio, and to the cause of ultra-low budget filmmaking.

                                              - Roger  E. Ingraham